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Shipping changes in 2021 due to Brexit

Find out more about changes in our shipping in 2021.

There will be changes to Spectrum's international shipping in January 2021

In January 2021 we will be changing the way we prepare orders for shipping to the EU.

This is due to the end of the Brexit transition period.

Prices will not initially be affected.

We have been advised that service lead times should not be affected.

However, we are anticipating some delays as customs for each destination settles in to the new way of receiving work from the UK.

We will be monitoring deliveries closely in the first few months.

We anticipate there will be a price rise at some point in the first quarter of the year as new services are established.

One thing that may change for your clients is that deliveries to the EU may now be subject to customs charges.

This is dependent on each country’s customs arrangements.

You can see more about how Royal Mail is dealing with Brexit here.

If you have clients in Europe, we would recommend advising them there may be slight delays with services at the beginning of 2021 as new customs legislation is introduced.

Services may also be affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

We would like to thank all our customers for their support during this difficult year.

We will update our shipping information as soon as more details become available.